Monday, June 1, 2009

Between the unnerving clatter coming from the nether regions of the 145's B20 powerplant, and the fact that the engine sound has become significantly louder in the 142 lately (not to mention that the oil leaking problem has reached epic proportions), I fear I am on the brink of losing both my forms of transportation at once! Of course, in one sense I am more than happy for the excuse to finally drop the V8 in to the two-door, and I have been excited about squeezing a little more power out of the wagon when I put it back together, but both cars at once?! Ouch.

I haven't started anything yet...I am slightly intimidated, especially since I really don't have a proper place to do the work. I am also waiting to hear back about a job in Portland right now, and if I get it, I will most likely try to nurse both cars up there in their present condition and pray they make the trip---but if the opportunity falls through, I will be tearing into both in very short order. Expect detailed accounts of both overhauls in the near(ish) future.

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